More reliable network drive mapping

I've found mapping a network drive on the NMT somewhat flaky; sometimes it works, other times not. Rather than use the NMT interface to connect to a share, it's relatively easy to add one via a command line (with a wee bit of Linux knowledge). You could also use ftp and for example Filezilla, instead of the venerable 'vi'.

Here's an example, where I have a Samba (SMB) share running on a NAS on the same network.  It's made available on the network as\media - change this tosuit your own environment.
Telnet or ssh to your NMT

cd /share
mkdir /share/NAS
chmod 777 /share/NAS

vi /share/

i        <- set mode to insert

Copy & paste in the following, and change the username, password and your NAS IP address.
(In a linux terminal, use Ctrl,Shift,V to paste)

DESC="Mount NAS"

if [ -f ${INSTALL_ROOT}/sbin/ ]; then
  . ${INSTALL_ROOT}/sbin/

  # Include defaults if available 
  test -r $DEFAULT && . $DEFAULT    case "$1" in
       mount -t cifs -o vers=1.0,username=yoursambausername,password=yoursmbapassword,ro // /share/NAS
       umount /share/NAS
       sleep 2
       echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}" >&2
       exit 2

[ESC]:wq     <-press the ESC key, followed by colon, wq [Enter], to exit and save the new file

chmod +x /share/
Make the mount happen on each reboot of the NMT..
vi /share/   

Scroll down using the arrow key, to below the "#MARKER..." line but before the "exit 0" line, press o to open a new line. Add in the "/share/ start" command. See below for an example - it doesn't matter if you don't have exactly the same additional lines that I have..

cd /opt/sybhttpd/localhost.drives/HARD_DISK/bin/ && ./telnetd -l /bin/sh &
/share/ start
/share/Apps/mpd/ start

exit 0


Reboot your NMT, now your new network drive (NAS) should show up in the HARD_DISK area of Media Sources.