Small changes to get the best from your NMT

Session handling

There appears to be a small bug in the way sessions are handled, in at least opkg_web, cs-lite and perhaps others. There is insufficient permissions to write the session. To fix, by logging in with telnet or ssh..

mkdir /share/tmp
chmod 777 /share/tmp

Edit using vi, ftp or AjaxExplorer, /share/ and add mount and permissions commands just after the #MARKER line, as follows

mount -O remount /tmp /share/tmp
chmod 777 /share/tmp

Reduce webserver processes

The NMT isn't blessed with large amounts of RAM nor CPU power, so it's advantageous to minimise the use of scarce resources. The default settings for http (webserver) services can be improved upon.
Edit /mnt/syb8634/server/php5server/httpd.conf look for the following and alter to suit - these are only suggestions..

MaxKeepAliveRequests 30
KeepAliveTimeout 5
MinSpareServers 2 MaxSpareServers 4
MaxClients 30
MaxRequestsPerChild 500

Do the same for /mnt/syb8634/server/httpd.conf